Economic times are tuff... I'm sure it's not news to any of you. So the last few weeks we have really felt are a miracle. Gary was laid off on the 19th. Though we felt scared of all the unknowns, it was actually a huge relief since every day there was the wonder, is today the day? Things haven't been great there for years and we've been seriously looking with spurts of large dedication over the last 3 years. The last three months though we have really been over active about the job search, knowing that a lay off was imminent. We saved, put more in our food storage and planned for it. So there was some relief mixed in with the sting of the predicted finally happening. The afternoon Gary got laid off he went to a job interview and he and the interviewer both kinda came to the conclusion, that though Gary would be a great asset to their company, it may not be what he was looking for. So Gary goes back to work and gets laid off. Friday, he called the company back (he interviewed with on Thursday) and asks them to still keep him in their considerations. He had an interview Monday and Tuesday evening we accepted their offer.
It almost seems too easy. However, Gary and I really feel led to this job. There have a been a lot of things that led up to it, getting used to the SLC commute, working in a cube, and a slew of other changes. With the baby due any day we are grateful for the newly passed COBRA law changes. All things considered it couldn't have been much better a transition in employment. Though it was a hellish weekend in some aspects it was also quite refreshing. We felt at one point during the last few months that we were very close to an offer with what we though was the perfect job for Gary, and were very confused when he didn't get it. We are starting to see the light. If he'd quit instead of being laid off things would have been quite different.
Though the new job isn't what we may have envisioned for Gary's career, the Lord's hand is in it and for that we are so grateful. It is still a marketing position and from what I understand about it, it is something that Gary can really add value and thrive in. He started Yesterday, so right now he's going through the transition of a new company and their processes, which has got to be hard but there is stability in this company that very few can offer in these times. We look around and know that though stuff is just stuff, we are very grateful that we get to keep our stuff, (house and van etc), that we have a place to bring our new baby home to.
Here Gary goes through his boxes from his old job. That's good therapy.
We feel very blessed to have experienced what has to be one of the shortest stints in unemployment.
4 months ago